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How much is 1 Bitcoin in USD?

Bitcoin price starts at $13,657.20 and ends at $4,214.67. The investment begins at $100.00 and ends at $30.86, a -69.14% return. This graph shows the conversion rate of 1 Bitcoin to 1 USD at the first of each month. This chart shows the USD value of Bitcoin at the first of each month.

How has the price of bitcoin changed in 2015?

Bitcoin price has dropped by more than 10%. BTC price has risen above $ 8000. Experts say the 2015 model is repeating itself. The cryptocurrency has updated its annual high of about $ 9000. Bitcoin has broken the $ 10,000 mark. Bitcoin is close to $ 13,000.

What is the current price of Bitcoin (BTC)?

The current price is $26,663.27 per BTC. Bitcoin is 61.24% below the all time high of $68,789.63. The current circulating supply is 19,380,075 BTC. This content is for informational purposes only. The world’s first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin is stored and exchanged securely on the internet through a digital ledger known as a blockchain.

When did bitcoin hit a new high?

The price reached a new high, reaching $ 1,402.03 on May 1, 2017 and over $ 1,800 on May 11, 2017. On May 20, 2017, the price of one bitcoin exceeded $ 2,000 for the first time. The price hit an all-time high of $ 3,000 on June 12 and has hovered around $ 2,500 since then. As of August 6, 2017, the price is $ 3,270.

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